Monday, 23 April 2012

Had a really busy week last week ~ trying to sort the house out after the builders had been in ~ slowly getting there!!

We had our first scan 45 minutes after getting back from our holidays!!  Good job I opened the post instead of crying over the plaster dust!  We dashed over to Burton and got there with minutes to spare ~ minus maternity notes too!! oops!!  The ladies were very kind to us all, and even let my 2 girls come in and see their new sibling on the screen :0)

And there is Baby number 3, I can feel it jiggling and wriggling around, and whilst baby was on the screen it couldn't keep still :0)  A proper little fidget, touch wood the sickness seems to have passed now too ~  I don't have to get up and eat a mountain of food every morning before I leave the house to ward off the nausea < I say that really quietly though as I don't want to tempt fate!!
My tummy is ever expanding and the girls are convinced I get bigger by the day, I'm kinda hoping I'm not!!  But I am loving being pregnant, and the date for our 20 week scan arrived the end of last week ~ everyone keeps asking if we are going to find out what we are having,  I'm not so sure I want to know ~ but I can see the practical reasons for finding out!  I might, as a few people have suggested to me, ask them to write it on a piece of paper so we can take it away with us and decide later :0)  Though I can't leave presents alone at Christmas never mind a piece of paper!!!

Off to fetch my youngest from a birthday party now, then she is off to Brownies :0)

I'll fill you all in on the chocolate cake in a mug tomorrow!!

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